By Kirsten Karchmer

Can this Fish Fix Your Fertility?

When it comes to enhancing fertility, nature has blessed us with numerous foods that can help.

At the top of the list? Oily fish.

As you plan your meals and make dietary choices, understanding the benefits of these nutritional powerhouses—and how to choose the safest options—can be invaluable.

Why Oily Fish Boosts Fertility

Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring, are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These compounds play vital roles in the body:

  1. Cell Health: The fatty acids in fish are essential components of cell membranes, crucial for the health of eggs in women and sperm in men.
  2. Hormone Production: Omega-3s aid in producing hormones that regulate fertility.
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can negatively impact fertility. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can help counteract this.
  4. Improved Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow to reproductive organs can support better overall reproductive health.

The Heavy Metal Concern

While oily fish offer numerous benefits, there's a caveat: the potential contamination of fish with heavy metals, particularly mercury. High mercury levels can negatively impact neurological development, making it especially concerning for those trying to conceive and for pregnant individuals.

Fish absorb mercury from the water they live in. Larger, longer-living predatory fish tend to accumulate more mercury, as they consume smaller fish that have already absorbed the metal.

Making Safe Choices

To reap the fertility benefits of oily fish while minimizing risks, consider the following:

  1. Opt for Smaller Fish: Sardines, anchovies, and other smaller fish tend to have lower mercury levels than larger predators like shark or swordfish.
  2. Wild-Caught Over Farmed: While the debate continues, some studies suggest that wild-caught fish may have a more favorable nutritional profile and potentially lower contaminants than their farmed counterparts.
  3. Moderation is Key: While it's beneficial to include oily fish in your diet, aim for a balanced approach—consider consuming fish 2-3 times a week.
  4. Stay Updated: Refer to guidelines from health organizations, such as the EPA's recommendations, on which fish are safest to consume.
Using Supplements to get Omega's-
While if you can source your fish and eat it regularly, you can get a lot of your Omega's from your diet. Most people who are on a TTC journey will choose a crazy high quality Omega supplement.
Choosing a Safe and High-Quality Omega Supplement: (and at Conceivable, we happen to do all these for your health and safety)
Why are these so important? Because low quality Omega's are likely to be rancid and actually cause inflammation instead of reducing it 😜
✅ Source: 
  - Opt for supplements derived from small, fatty fish like anchovies or sardines, which tend to have lower mercury levels.
  - Consider algae-based omega-3 supplements, especially for vegetarians and vegans.
-All of the Conceivable Omega's come solely from one location in Chili.
✅ Purity and Contaminants:
  - Check for third-party testing for purity and potency (e.g., IFOS, NSF International).
  - Ensure the supplement has been tested for heavy metals, PCBs, and other potential contaminants.
✅ Form of Omega-3:
  - Look for supplements that contain omega-3s in the triglyceride form, which may be better absorbed than the ethyl ester form.
✅ Concentration:
  - Examine the label for the EPA and DHA content. A high-quality supplement will typically contain at least 500 mg of EPA and DHA combined per 1,000 mg of fish oil.
✅ Freshness:
  - Check the expiration date.
  - Opt for supplements with antioxidants (like vitamin E) to prevent oxidation.
✅ Transparency:
  - Choose brands that are transparent about their sourcing and manufacturing practices.
✅ Sustainability:
  - Look for certifications indicating sustainable fishing practices (e.g., MSC Certified).
✅ No Artificial Additives:
  - Ensure the supplement doesn't contain artificial colors, flavors, or unnecessary fillers.
✅ Packaging:
  - Dark or opaque bottles are preferable, as they protect the oil from light, which can cause oxidation.
  - Research and choose reputable brands with positive reviews and a track record for quality.
  - While price isn't the only indicator of quality, extremely cheap supplements might compromise on purity and potency.

In conclusion, oily fish can be a fantastic addition to your fertility-enhancing diet. By making informed choices, you can enjoy the benefits while minimizing potential risks. Here's to your health and a fruitful journey ahead!

xooxo Love you bigtime

Want to Start Improving Your Fertility?

Meet your new, 100% personalized, available 24/7 fertility coach, Kirsten AI. She will help you identify all of the underlying issues impacting your fertility, make a plan to fix them and support you day in and out on your journey to motherhood.