By Kirsten Karchmer

What Your Sore Boobs Are Trying To Tell You About Your Cycle And Fertility

Why Painful Breasts Are Common PMS Symptoms And What To Do About Them

You know the feeling. Your boobs start to betray you. Days, maybe even a week before your menstrual cycle your body starts to experience the effects of hormonal changes.  Your breasts begin to feel tender, heavier or even lumpier, your back starts to ache, you experience stomach cramps or nausea or other symptoms brought on by Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Typically, these symptoms are present a week before your cycle and disappear when your menstrual cycle ends. Tender, painful or even swelling of the breasts are all common PMS symptoms that women experience. While these symptoms are commonplace and do not pose a major health concern, your sore boobs are trying to tell you something about your menstrual cycle.  And if you ever are concerned about a lump or change in your breast regardless of your menstrual cycle you should always consult your doctor. So, let’s talk about what your tender breasts are really trying to tell you.

So, what’s causing this breast pain anyway?

I know you’ve probably blamed your hormones for your PMS symptoms like mood swings or irritability, but did you know they’re also the culprit behind your sore breasts?  Your hormones are in flux during your menstrual cycle and as estrogen and progesterone rise and fall during your period both affect the receptors in your breasts that react to these hormones.  For example, during the middle of your cycle estrogen levels are increasing and can cause breast ducts to become enlarged and breast tissue to become highly sensitive. While in the second half of your menstrual cycle progesterone levels go up, which can cause swelling of the breast’s milk glands.  Both these fluctuating hormones can cause you to experience that feeling of painful or tender breasts.Premenstrual breast soreness symptoms

Everyone is different in how their body reacts to the fluctuating hormones, but if you experience breast soreness during your menstrual cycle, the most common symptoms are likely a feeling of heaviness or tenderness to the touch. If you give yourself regular breast exams you may notice the difference in the tissue density or that your breasts feel lumpier during your menstrual cycle.  It’s also not uncommon to feel pain; you might find yourself telling your partner to leave those ladies alone because they hurt so much!  Most often the breast tenderness symptoms are present the week prior to your period and begin to fade at the onset of your period and completely go away by the end of your period.

What to do if you have tender breasts?

Well now you know the hormones are to blame, but that doesn’t mean you just throw in the towel or look for a magic pill. You have plenty of tools at your disposal to ease these symptoms, particularly eating the right foods and avoiding others that make these symptoms worse. There are elements of the Conceivable fertility food plan you can try right now like eating your greens and whole grains!  Kale, spinach, broccoli, collards, Swiss chard, sweet potato, brown rice, and legumes are all high in fiber which helps eliminate excess estrogen in the body and reduce breast swelling and soreness.  These plant-based foods also produce anti-inflammatory effects, which can help ease other PMS symptoms you experience during your menstrual cycle as well.  Your morning cup of joe isn’t helping your breasts feel great either. So, if possible avoid the use of caffeine, which can cause fluid to build-up in your breasts due to the dilation effect caffeine has on your blood vessels. Try switching to herbal tea or at a minimum green tea, which is high in antioxidants, and gives your immunity a leg up.

Mom always said take your vitamins.  And she was right.  Some vitamins, minerals and herbs can also be used to help alleviate your breast soreness and other PMS symptoms, including vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, magnesium, vitamin B complex, vitamin K1, iron, primrose oil and dandelion. You’ll also see a boost in your immunity from these vitamins, minerals and herbs, which is an added benefit to taking the right supplements.  Remember though, it’s important to consult our experts at Conceivable first before starting on a supplement regimen to ensure you’re taking what you’re body needs and in the appropriate doses.

Alleviating PMS symptoms and improving your fertility

And while painful breasts may not seem like they are standing in the way of your fertility, they may be the squeaky wheel telling you to take a closer look at what’s really going on with your body. PMS symptoms are common, but the reality is you shouldn’t have to experience them if you have a healthy reproductive system.  While eating a healthy, plant-based diet and taking the right supplements will help get you on the track to taking control of your cycle and fertility, it’s really just a piece of the puzzle.  

The good news is though you don’t have to do this on your own.

We’ve spent the last 20 years working with more than 10,000 women to help them solve their fertility issues naturally.  Want to know more about how your cycle, habits, diet, exercise, and basal temperatures are impacting your ability to get and stay pregnant- and more importantly what to do to improve it?

Take the Conceivable Quiz if you want to learn more about how your cycle, temperatures and habits are impacting your fertility.

Want to Start Improving Your Fertility?

Meet your new, 100% personalized, available 24/7 fertility coach, Kirsten AI. She will help you identify all of the underlying issues impacting your fertility, make a plan to fix them and support you day in and out on your journey to motherhood.