· By Kirsten Karchmer
Common But Not Normal - The Truth Behind Your Pms
Your PMS Signs Are Giving You A Signal And It’s Not A Thumbs Up
Why do I feel this way every month? You’ve probably asked yourself this a few times and you aren’t alone as 75 percent of women report experiencing the effects of Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS; and around 30 percent report severe symptoms or have difficulties as a result of PMS. Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that has never experienced PMS at all, but chances are that’s not the case. And yes, while it’s absolutely common, PMS really isn’t normal. The truth is, PMS signs, including irritability, bloating, back pain, headaches, acne, and anxiety before your period, are all your body’s way of putting up a flashing red sign that says, “Houston, we’ve got a problem here!” Your menstrual cycle is your body’s health gauge and it has a number of ways to signal there is an internal disruption. PMS is one of those signals, but I want to share with you this isn’t something you just have to deal with. I know we all love to complain about it, but let’s get to the bottom of what these pesky monthly symptoms are and how you can normalize your menstrual cycle to be PMS free!
My stomach hurts, is that PMS?
So, what is it then? Well, PMS symptoms are what you experience 1-2 weeks prior to your period starting. And there are a wide range of symptoms that manifest and vary by individual, including PMS bloating, period mood swings, irritability, anxiety, breast tenderness or pain, skin blemishes, fatigue, headaches, back pain, food cravings and the list goes on. Really the list does go on as researchers have found more than 200 possible PMS symptoms. I know just reading that list and hearing that number makes your head spin around, especially if you’ve experienced any combination of these symptoms throughout your menstrual cycles. I know it can be a bit overwhelming, which is why I’ve spent more than 15 years researching the underlying causes behind PMS and how it affects fertility to help even more women like you that are experiencing these debilitating symptoms and have difficulty getting pregnant.
So why do I have PMS and my female friends and family members never seem to be bothered by it?
Well, chances are your female friends and family members really have had some manifestation of PMS in their lives, but as I said, only about 30 percent of women report having severe or debilitating PMS symptoms. So, for them the PMS signs may be mildly annoying, but for you they keep you in bed or not wanting to so much as look at another person. I know, not the lottery drawing you were hoping for.
Ok, so now you know you’ve drawn the short straw, but what’s really causing this pain in the butt every month? Throughout your menstrual cycle your two main sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are fluctuating. They go up and down depending on where your body is in its 28-day cycle (if you have a regular cycle) and there is a natural rhythm to this cycle, which can be disrupted or altered due to a number of factors, including poor diet, stress, unstable blood sugar (a symptom of PCOS as well), mineral or vitamin deficiencies, exposure to environmental toxins and insufficient rest. Hmm…that list sounds a lot more like something within your control, right? Yes, absolutely and that’s good news for anyone wanting to get healthy and improve their fertility chances.
Seriously, PMS is affecting my fertility? How?
Here’s the good news though, it’s completely correctable. And by that I don’t mean you need to rush out and get hormone therapy. Rather it’s about making lifestyle changes that will help you return your hormones and your cycle back to its natural flow, this is exactly what Conceivable has helped more than 10,000 women do.
How to Give PMS the Boot Naturally
Let us help you give PMS the boot and boost your fertility so you can get on with doing what you’ve always wanted to do--have a baby. You can use the Brazen formula to attack the underlying causes of PMS and do the best for your body and fertility, naturally. Check it out here.

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Meet your new, 100% personalized, available 24/7 fertility coach, Kirsten AI. She will help you identify all of the underlying issues impacting your fertility, make a plan to fix them and support you day in and out on your journey to motherhood.